The "She's a BrickHouse" Scroll
(Recycled paper, acrylic paint, fabric, glitter and flower seeds, (12 panels) 3’x1”x2’ each, March 2022)
The She's a BrickHouse Scroll seeks to rewrite history, balancing the books by telling stories, untold and under-told, about remarkable women throughout time and right here in the present moment in our own communities. The Scroll series was created with recycled paper, crafted by the hands of the community at various events, giving the former documents a new and more meaningful life. The names honored on The Scroll were collected from the community from the prior year’s Women’s History Month celebration and throughout the year to follow. In this activism, we breathe fresh new energy into the actual scroll materials and, in turn, the stories of women that need to be told, and hope to lead you on a metaphorical journey from dream clouds to the rebuilding & restructuring of a new BrickHouse and its brick walls.
As creators and collaborators in this community art project, we established what we refer to as The Women’s Herstory Environment, helping us to open up more and discuss with other women and the broader community topics that are often deemed taboo. The She’s a BrickHouse Scroll has given us a way to express ourselves. We have discovered more about ourselves as females and in that self discovery connected with other females with the same feelings and thoughts. Creating these Scrolls over the past year has lit a candle in our souls and pushed us forward to work on other endeavors that we previously felt hesitant about. With that empowerment, we continue to pass the light of the candle on, to illuminate the untold and under-told stories of amazing individuals.